Staff Survey: Employee Commuting and Homeworking


Please note that this survey was distributed via Survey Monkey, and therefore was formatted differently. The questions represent the plain text format.


Staff were able to skip questions where they did not wish to answer.


Part 1: About You Questions (Standardised)


1.        Do you confirm that you have read and understood the privacy notice? You must select ‘Yes’ in order to take the survey.  


2.        Would you like to continue to the 'About You' section?     


3.        Your age: (please select the appropriate range)       


4.        Your Gender: Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth?


5.        What is your ethnic group?  


6.        Do you have any physical or mental health conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last 12 months or more?     


7.        If you answered “Yes” above, do any of your conditions or illnesses reduce your ability to carry out day-to-day activities?


8.        What is your religion or belief?      


9.        Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?  


10.    Do you look after, or give any help or support to, anyone because they have long-term physical or mental health conditions or illnesses, or problems related to old age? (Excluding anything which is part of paid employment)


Part 2: Commuting


1.           Please enter your full home postcode in the box below:


2.           How many weeks did you work in the 2022/23 financial year? (Please factor in your annual leave and any sickness/maternity leave)


3.           Please give your typical work start and end time, e.g. 9am to 5pm


4.           In a typical week, which days do you commute into a CYC workplace?


5.           If you do not commute into a CYC workplace in a typical week, but do so on an irregular basis, please describe these travel patterns below


6.           Please enter the number of miles you travel per transport mode on a typical commute to and from work. If you use multiple transport modes, include the miles travelled for each mode


7.           If your primary mode of transport to/from work is by car, what type of fuel does this car use?


8.           If your primary mode of transport to/from work is by car, do you use your own car?


9.           If you drive or cycle to work, where do you park? (select one)


10.        If it was possible to change how you travel to/from work, what would you ideally change to or do more of? (select multiple)


11.        What would help you to change to this mode? Tick all that apply. (There’s a comments box below if you’d like to provide more details.)

-      Easier accessibility onsite – e.g. fewer physical obstacles

-      Better/more onsite parking

-      Information about my options – there are some things I don’t know

-      Cycle training

-      TIER Scooter Training

-      A friend who can travel alongside me as I learn

-      Free trial to see if I want to / can change

-      Discounts off cycle or ticket purchases

-      Cycle to work scheme where I save tax on a cycle purchase

-      A car/van to use for work journeys

-      A cycle or cargo bike to use for work journeys

-      The council already does things for employees that need improving before I take part (please specify below)

-      I’ve got an idea for something the council could do, which I’d take part in (please specify below)

-      Nothing – the citywide infrastructure/services would have to be better first (please specify below)

-      Nothing – my situation (e.g. late shifts) would need to change first

-      Nothing – other

-      I’ve got an idea for something the council could do for other employees but not me (please specify below)

-      Please specify


12.       What information about alternative modes of travel would you like the council to provide? Please tick which information you would like to receive:

-      Bus services available near you

-      A cycle route map

-      A walking route map

-      Car sharing scheme

-      Cycle parking provision

-      Training for on-road scooter use

-      I would not like to receive information

-      Other (please specify)


13.       If you selected 'bus services available near you', please provide your postcode below.


14.       If you selected 'cycle parking provision', please state where in the city you would like information in regards to cycle parking.


15.        Which of the below services offered by CYC have you accessed? (please tick)


16.        To what extent do you agree to the statement: “The council is doing enough to encourage active travel”?(There’s a comments box below if you’d like to provide more details.)


17.        Please let us know any other comments you have on travelling to work (Open text)


18.        Please let us know any other comments you have on business travel:(Business travel is defined as journeys taken during your work day for work purposes, outside of your daily commute)


Part 3: Working from Home


1.           Approximately how many hours do you work from home each day?


2.           Approximately how many days per week do you work from home?


3.           Which of the following office equipment do you use while working from home, and for how many hours do you use this equipment each day?


4.           Do other members of your household work from home? If so, how many?


5.           Are there non-working members on your household that are classified as ‘stay at home’? (This includes stay at home parents or carers etc.)


6.           Does your household purchase 100% renewable electricity from your supplier?


7.           What are the barriers stopping your household from purchasing 100% renewable electricity from your supplier?


8.           What type of fuel does your home use for heating?

-      Gas

-      Electricity

-      Oil

-      Solid Wood – Fuel

-      Solid Wood – Coal

-      Heat Pumps

-      Other (please specify)